The /agent
endpoints are used to interact with the local Nomad agent.
List Members
This endpoint queries the agent for the known peers in the gossip pool. This endpoint is only applicable to servers. Due to the nature of gossip, this is eventually consistent.
Method | Path | Produces |
GET | /agent/members | application/json |
The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries and required ACLs.
Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
NO | node:read |
Sample Request
$ curl \ https://localhost:4646/v1/agent/members
Sample Response
{ "ServerName": "bacon-mac", "ServerRegion": "global", "ServerDC": "dc1", "Members": [ { "Name": "", "Addr": "", "Port": 4648, "Tags": { "mvn": "1", "build": "0.5.5dev", "port": "4647", "bootstrap": "1", "role": "nomad", "region": "global", "dc": "dc1", "vsn": "1" }, "Status": "alive", "ProtocolMin": 1, "ProtocolMax": 5, "ProtocolCur": 2, "DelegateMin": 2, "DelegateMax": 4, "DelegateCur": 4 } ]}
List Servers
This endpoint lists the known server nodes. The servers
endpoint is used to
query an agent in client mode for its list of known servers. Client nodes
register themselves with these server addresses so that they may dequeue work.
The servers endpoint can be used to keep this configuration up to date if there
are changes in the cluster.
Method | Path | Produces |
GET | /agent/servers | application/json |
The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries and required ACLs.
Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
NO | agent:read |
Sample Request
$ curl \ https://localhost:4646/v1/agent/servers
Sample Response
Update Servers
This endpoint updates the list of known servers to the provided list. This replaces all previous server addresses with the new list.
Method | Path | Produces |
POST | /agent/servers | (empty body) |
The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries and required ACLs.
Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
NO | agent:write |
(string: <required>)
- Specifies the list of addresses in the formatip:port
. This is specified as a query string!
Sample Request
$ curl \ --request POST \ https://localhost:4646/v1/agent/servers?address=
Query Self
This endpoint queries the state of the target agent (self).
Method | Path | Produces |
GET | /agent/self | application/json |
The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries and required ACLs.
Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
NO | agent:read |
Sample Request
$ curl \ https://localhost:4646/v1/agent/self
Sample Response
{ "config": { "Addresses": { "HTTP": "", "RPC": "", "Serf": "" }, "AdvertiseAddrs": { "HTTP": "", "RPC": "", "Serf": "" }, "BindAddr": "", "Client": { "AllocDir": "", "ChrootEnv": {}, "ClientMaxPort": 14512, "ClientMinPort": 14000, "DisableRemoteExec": false, "Enabled": true, "GCDiskUsageThreshold": 99, "GCInodeUsageThreshold": 99, "GCInterval": 600000000000, "MaxKillTimeout": "30s", "Meta": {}, "NetworkInterface": "lo0", "NetworkSpeed": 0, "NodeClass": "", "Options": { "driver.docker.volumes": "true" }, "Reserved": { "CPU": 0, "DiskMB": 0, "MemoryMB": 0, "ParsedReservedPorts": null, "ReservedPorts": "" }, "Servers": null, "StateDir": "" }, "Consul": { "Addr": "", "Auth": "", "AutoAdvertise": true, "CAFile": "", "CertFile": "", "ChecksUseAdvertise": false, "ClientAutoJoin": true, "ClientServiceName": "nomad-client", "EnableSSL": false, "KeyFile": "", "ServerAutoJoin": true, "ServerServiceName": "nomad", "Timeout": 5000000000, "Token": "", "VerifySSL": false }, "DataDir": "", "Datacenter": "dc1", "DevMode": true, "DisableAnonymousSignature": true, "DisableUpdateCheck": false, "EnableDebug": true, "EnableSyslog": false, "Files": null, "HTTPAPIResponseHeaders": {}, "LeaveOnInt": false, "LeaveOnTerm": false, "LogLevel": "DEBUG", "NodeName": "", "Ports": { "HTTP": 4646, "RPC": 4647, "Serf": 4648 }, "Region": "global", "Revision": "f551dcb83e3ac144c9dbb90583b6e82d234662e9", "Server": { "BootstrapExpect": 0, "DataDir": "", "Enabled": true, "EnabledSchedulers": null, "HeartbeatGrace": "", "NodeGCThreshold": "", "NumSchedulers": 0, "ProtocolVersion": 0, "RejoinAfterLeave": false, "RetryInterval": "30s", "RetryJoin": [], "RetryMaxAttempts": 0, "StartJoin": [] }, "SyslogFacility": "LOCAL0", "TLSConfig": { "CAFile": "", "CertFile": "", "EnableHTTP": false, "EnableRPC": false, "KeyFile": "", "VerifyServerHostname": false }, "Telemetry": { "CirconusAPIApp": "", "CirconusAPIToken": "", "CirconusAPIURL": "", "CirconusBrokerID": "", "CirconusBrokerSelectTag": "", "CirconusCheckDisplayName": "", "CirconusCheckForceMetricActivation": "", "CirconusCheckID": "", "CirconusCheckInstanceID": "", "CirconusCheckSearchTag": "", "CirconusCheckSubmissionURL": "", "CirconusCheckTags": "", "CirconusSubmissionInterval": "", "CollectionInterval": "1s", "DataDogAddr": "", "DataDogTags": [], "DisableHostname": false, "PublishAllocationMetrics": false, "PublishNodeMetrics": false, "StatsdAddr": "", "StatsiteAddr": "", "UseNodeName": false }, "Vault": { "Addr": "https://vault.service.consul:8200", "AllowUnauthenticated": true, "ConnectionRetryIntv": 30000000000, "Enabled": null, "Role": "", "TLSCaFile": "", "TLSCaPath": "", "TLSCertFile": "", "TLSKeyFile": "", "TLSServerName": "", "TLSSkipVerify": null, "TaskTokenTTL": "", "Token": "root" }, "Version": "0.5.5", "VersionPrerelease": "dev" }, "member": { "Addr": "", "DelegateCur": 4, "DelegateMax": 4, "DelegateMin": 2, "Name": "", "Port": 4648, "ProtocolCur": 2, "ProtocolMax": 5, "ProtocolMin": 1, "Status": "alive", "Tags": { "role": "nomad", "region": "global", "dc": "dc1", "vsn": "1", "mvn": "1", "build": "0.5.5dev", "port": "4647", "bootstrap": "1" } }, "stats": { "runtime": { "cpu_count": "8", "": "darwin", "arch": "amd64", "version": "go1.8", "max_procs": "7", "goroutines": "79" }, "nomad": { "server": "true", "leader": "true", "leader_addr": "", "bootstrap": "false", "known_regions": "1" }, "raft": { "num_peers": "0", "fsm_pending": "0", "last_snapshot_index": "0", "last_log_term": "2", "commit_index": "144", "term": "2", "last_log_index": "144", "protocol_version_max": "3", "snapshot_version_max": "1", "latest_configuration_index": "1", "latest_configuration": "[{Suffrage:Voter ID: Address:}]", "last_contact": "never", "applied_index": "144", "protocol_version": "1", "protocol_version_min": "0", "snapshot_version_min": "0", "state": "Leader", "last_snapshot_term": "0" }, "client": { "heartbeat_ttl": "17.79568937s", "node_id": "fb2170a8-257d-3c64-b14d-bc06cc94e34c", "known_servers": "", "num_allocations": "0", "last_heartbeat": "10.107423052s" }, "serf": { "event_time": "1", "event_queue": "0", "encrypted": "false", "member_time": "1", "query_time": "1", "intent_queue": "0", "query_queue": "0", "members": "1", "failed": "0", "left": "0", "health_score": "0" } }}
Join Agent
This endpoint introduces a new member to the gossip pool. This endpoint is only eligible for servers.
Method | Path | Produces |
POST | /agent/join | application/json |
The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries and required ACLs.
Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
NO | none |
(string: <required>)
- Specifies the address to join in theip:port
format. This is provided as a query parameter and may be specified multiple times to join multiple servers.
Sample Request
$ curl \ --request POST \ https://localhost:4646/v1/agent/join?address=
Sample Response
{ "error": "", "num_joined": 2}
Force Leave Agent
This endpoint forces a member of the gossip pool from the "failed"
state to
the "left"
state. This allows the consensus protocol to remove the peer and
stop attempting replication. This is only applicable for servers.
Method | Path | Produces |
POST | /agent/force-leave | application/json |
The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries and required ACLs.
Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
NO | agent:write |
(string: <required>)
- Specifies the name of the node to force leave.
Sample Request
$ curl \ --request POST \ https://localhost:4646/v1/agent/force-leave?node=client-ab2e23dc
This endpoint returns whether or not the agent is healthy. When using Consul it is the endpoint Nomad will register for its own health checks.
When the agent is unhealthy 500 will be returned along with JSON response containing an error message.
Method | Path | Produces |
GET | /agent/health | application/json |
The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries and required ACLs.
Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
NO | none |
Sample Request
$ curl \ https://localhost:4646/v1/agent/health
Sample Response
{ "client": { "message": "ok", "ok": true }, "server": { "message": "ok", "ok": true }}
Stream Logs
This endpoint streams logs from the local agent until the connection is closed
Method | Path | Produces |
GET | /agent/monitor | application/json |
The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries and required ACLs.
Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
NO | agent:read |
(string: "info")
- Specifies a text string containing a log level to filter on, such asinfo
. Possible values includetrace
(bool: false)
- Specifies if the log format for streamed logs should be JSON.node_id
(string: "a57b2adb-1a30-2dda-8df0-25abb0881952")
- Specifies a text string containing a node-id to target for streaming.server_id
(string: "")
- Specifies a text string containing a server name or "leader" to target a specific remote server or leader for streaming.plain
(bool: false)
- Specifies if the response should be JSON or plaintext
Sample Request
$ curl \ https://localhost:4646/v1/agent/monitor?log_level=debug&server_id=leader $ curl \ https://localhost:4646/v1/agent/monitor?log_level=debug&node_id=a57b2adb-1a30-2dda-8df0-25abb0881952
Sample Response
{ "Offset": 0, "Data": "NTMxOTMyCjUzMTkzMwo1MzE5MzQKNTMx..." "FileEvent": "log"}
Field Reference
The return value is a stream of frames. These frames contain the following fields:
- A base64 encoding of the bytes being streamed.FileEvent
- An event that could cause a change in the streams position. The possible value for this endpoint is "log".Offset
- Offset is the offset into the stream.
Agent Runtime Profiles
This endpoint is the equivalent of Go's /debug/pprof endpoint but is protected by ACLs and supports remote forwarding to a client node or server. See the Golang documentation for a list of available profiles.
Method | Path | Produces |
GET | /agent/pprof/cmdline | text/plain |
GET | /agent/pprof/profile | application/octet-stream |
GET | /agent/pprof/trace | application/octet-stream |
GET | /agent/pprof/<pprof profile> | application/octet-stream |
The table below shows this endpoint's support for blocking queries and required ACLs.
Blocking Queries | ACL Required |
NO | agent:write |
Default Behavior
This endpoint is enabled whenever ACLs are enabled. Due to the potentially
sensitive nature of data contained in profiles, as well as their significant
performance impact, the agent/pprof endpoint is protected by a high level ACL:
. For these reasons its recommended to leave enable_debug
unset and only use the ACL-protected endpoints.
The following table explains when each endpoint is available:
Endpoint | enable_debug | ACLs | Available? |
/v1/agent/pprof | unset | n/a | no |
/v1/agent/pprof | true | n/a | yes |
/v1/agent/pprof | false | n/a | no |
/v1/agent/pprof | unset | off | no |
/v1/agent/pprof | unset | on | yes |
/v1/agent/pprof | true | off | yes |
/v1/agent/pprof | false | on | yes |
(string: "a57b2adb-1a30-2dda-8df0-25abb0881952")
- Specifies a text string containing a Node ID to target for profiling.server_id
(string: "")
- Specifies a text string containing a Server ID, name, orleader
to target a specific remote server or leader for profiling.seconds
(int: 3)
- Specifies the amount of time to run a profile or trace request for.debug
(int: 1)
- Specifies if a given pprof profile should be returned as human readable plain text instead of the pprof binary format. Defaults to 0, setting to 1 enables human readable plain text.
Sample Request
$ curl -O -J \ --header "X-Nomad-Token: 8176afd3-772d-0b71-8f85-7fa5d903e9d4" \ https://localhost:4646/v1/agent/pprof/goroutine?server_id=leader $ go tool pprof goroutine $ curl -O -J \ --header "X-Nomad-Token: 8176afd3-772d-0b71-8f85-7fa5d903e9d4" \ https://localhost:4646/v1/agent/profile?seconds=5&node_id=a57b2adb-1a30-2dda-8df0-25abb0881952 $ go tool pprof profile $ curl -O -J \ --header "X-Nomad-Token: 8176afd3-772d-0b71-8f85-7fa5d903e9d4" \ https://localhost:4646/v1/agent/trace?&seconds=5& go tool trace trace